Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fun with Flubber

Today, for our babysitting experiment,we made Flubber.  Now, I wondered about making this.  Was it going to be like it was in The Absent Minded Professor, played by Fred McMurray?  (This is one good old movie that should never be redone.  No one could ever replace Fred in this role.) 

However, back to Flubber.  I envisioned it bouncing off the walls, being able to bounce really high after applying it to the bottoms of my shoes, etc...  My little buddy anxiously went down for her nap so we could get to this right after snack time.  We got two containers, 3 bottles of Elmers glue, food coloring (we chose neon blue), a measuring cup, and borax.  You make up two mixtures, then mix them together.

Mixture one consists of 1 1/2 cups warm water, 2 cups Elmer's Glue, and food coloring.  

Mixture two consists of 3 tsp. Borax and 1 cup warm water.  

Stir up each mixture in separate bowls, making sure each one is mixed well.  Then, pour mixture 1 into mixture 2, and watch them react to each other.  

It is the chemical reaction that makes the Flubber.  When it is a glob, work it for 2-3 minutes.  Initially it feels wet, but it eventually dries up to the final product.  

It has a very interesting texture, and is great fun for the adults as well as the kids.  And don't forget to let the kids help, as that's even more fun for them!
 *Flubber recipe from Pinterest


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